Spirituality unltd: Spirituality & All Things Having a Spiritual Dimension

Showcasing Spirituality and the Spiritual Dimension. Although the concept means different things to different people, the realm of Social Science has defined current thought surrounding Spirituality as: "the search for the sacred, for that which is set apart from the ordinary and worthy of veneration, a transcendent dimension within human experience ... discovered in moments in which the individual questions the meaning of personal existence and attempts to place the self within a broader ontological context." The ancient and traditional meaning of the word was also understood in an ontological context, relating to "the nature of being". "Spirituality" is derived from the French word "esprit" which has its origin in the Latin word "spiritus", meaning soul and/or to breathe in the spirit. As in the Holy Spirit. Ultimately, and traditionally, if it was a "spiritual" matter, it was generally considered as falling under the aegis of organized religion and referred to the state of a human soul and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within that soul.
Find Products and Resources related to Spirituality in its many contemporary and traditional permutations. Connect and Interact with those who share your interest in Spirituality and "the search for the sacred".
Below you'll find Merchants and Products which speak to the topic of this site and which, in keeping with our mission as The Web's Concierge, have been carefully chosen and individually screened for your shopping ease and pleasure. They are not paid ads, but rather companies with whom we have selectively chosen to partner. We do earn a referral fee if you find something you like or need and purchase it. We have striven to bring you the "best in breed" companies ... those that: we like, our friends like, have great sites and service, have good online reviews, positive consumer reports, and are family friendly. Keep us posted with regards to your own personal experiences with them.
You may be surprised at companies that have not been included. The "noisiest" in the marketplace are not always the best. We have chosen 1) newer innovative companies that are performing well and garnering respect in their respective niches as well as 2) "Main Street" companies that have been reliably getting the job done for decades ... in some cases centuries. Our oldest partner, thus far, has been in business since 1819! That's staying power.
Rest assured, if we've included a certain vendor in a site's line-up, there's a very specific reason for it. You may have to hunt and poke a bit, but it'll be well worth the effort. Enjoy the adventure!

The Leader of the Pack

Mysterious Ways: A magazine filled with true stories of extraordinary moments and everyday miracles that reveal a spiritual force at work in our lives. You'll be inspired by stories of miraculous healings unexplained by modern medicine, stories of strange and startling circumstances that led to love, and signs that God reaches out to us in unexpected ways. Also featured are mysterious events from around the world that seem to involve a higher power. Discover the reality of everyday miracles ... from the publishers of Guideposts.
Customer Favorites:
Angels on Earth: An inspiring magazine bringing you stories of angels and their work in the world today. You'll find stories of tragedies averted and destinies altered; stories filled with profound mystery, yet radiating with faith-affirming hope. Angels still visit us today to guard and guide and give us reassuring evidence of God's love. A Guideposts publication.
Art.com: If you love Art ... any kind of art, any subject ... you're gonna love this site. It's a feast for the senses. You can browse by subject, genre, artist, room to be decorated, and even color palate. Once you've found the image you've been looking for and/or can't live without, then you have multiple product types to choose from ... there's even a great selection of wall tapestries. You'll have fun here ... no matter your special interests or current decorating mission. Their tag line says it all: "Find Your Art, Love Your Space."

DaySpring/(In)Courage: A leading retailer of Christian themed and inspired cards, gifts, jewelry, art, decor, and more ... a simply wonderful collection ... always inspiring and encouraging. A Hallmark brand. Arkansas-based.

Family Christian Stores: A Leading Christian Retailer of Christian-themed books (e-reading too), Bibles, gifts, music, videos, apparel, crafts, and church and/or educational products.
Guideposts: The long-lived (almost 70 years!) inspirational magazine launched by Norman Vincent Peale that nurtures the personal growth of its many millions of readers, helping them find peace of mind, solve tough personal problems, and build satisfying relationships with family, friends and co-workers. You'll be moved and inspired by the heartwarming stories of hope and courage exhibited by everyday people and well-known celebrities as well as the powerful answers to prayers experienced by them. Makes a wonderful gift!
Guideposts Large Print: The large print version of the beloved, inspiring and spiritually oriented magazine ... for those who are a bit visually challenged ... so you won't miss a word!
Plus ... The Power of Faith: An uplifting and inspiring magazine featuring articles on living a positive life and compelling true stories of answered prayer and the miracles that can and do happen.
More Resources:
Amazon: One of the planet's most mind-boggling arrays of goods. First came the books. Now they've added every other product on the planet. The ultimate in selection and convenience across multiple categories.

FaithGateway: An online community for readers to discover great content and engage with their favorite Christian authors. You'll find inspiring Christian content brought together in different forms: blog posts, book excerpts, devotionals, free downloads, videos, giveaways, contests, webinars, and more. An aptly named site.

SimpleTruths: A leading provider of inspirational gift books designed to reinforce core beliefs and values including Attitude, Leadership, Teamwork, Customer Service, Love, or just Making a Difference. Many of the titles here will give you a shot in the arm just when you need it ... or maybe even if you didn't know you were looking for it.

Target.com: This favorite shopping destination has become one of the Web's 5 top favorite places to shop ... the company has worked its way into the Fortune 50. They've really covered all the bases when it comes to customers' "wants and likes".

Wind & Weather: Providing just a really neat selection of weather instruments and stations as well as "wind and weather" related home decor (indoors and out) such as wind chimes and weathervanes. They've "been at home with nature" since 1976. You don't have to be a weather geek to enjoy this site ... again, just lots and lots of neat stuff from the practical and decorative to the vintage and whimsical ... great for gift shopping. We love it!